Bulk SMS promotion is an effective way to reach a large set of audiences in a customized price scheme. The following article is detailing five ways the strategy will assist your company meets marketing targets.

Bulk SMS promotion means sending a large number of text messages on business promotion. You can use the tool for various purposes which boil down to product or service brand awareness.

  1. Suitable for all business types

You can deploy SMS promotion for all types of business, which in general, covers two: product and service. A lot of business players use the mean, from retail to financial sectors. Moreover, the tool allows you to innovate the content. Within the 160 characters, you can modify and get creative putting words into it.

As such, bulk SMS promotion accommodates your necessity to keep your existing customers closer. And you can still use it for introducing your products or services to potential clients.

  1. Quick and real-time

The technology behind SMS works like a magic. It can deliver text messages within seconds to many recipients living across the globe. A recent survey tells that people read an SMS within 3 minutes of delivery. That shows how quickly your promotion campaign can reach many recipients at once. This works better than email marketing that mostly goes ignored or falls into spam folders.

  1. Supportive as a mobile advertising tool

The rapid-growing of technological advancement makes modern people are glued to their cell phones more than ever. Given the huge market, SMS becomes the right method to deliver your campaign. It can still compete with free chatting applications because requires no internet connection. Therefore, your promotion campaign can still reach people residing in the farthest areas provided a telecommunication signal is available.

However, you need to pay attention to several factors. You need to send messages during business hours. This enables your promotion to be read by as many recipients as possible. They are expected to have their phones working. In addition, sending business texts during the time builds your company’s reputation. You respect the recipient’s time by not sending business texts as time hits 7 pm, for instance.

  1. Low-cost scheme

Bulk SMS promotion opens for a cost-effective solution. One of the ways is by not requiring recipients to have an internet connection. That contributes to the low-cost scheme. Given the above benefits, it’s worthwhile for your company to invest in SMS promotion.

Should you need an SMS service provider that meets the requirements, contact us. With our years-long experiences, PT Triple One Global will provide the best service. Our solid partnership with Indonesia’s telco operators is among the factors that make our company among the trusted one. Our Contact page is always open to welcome you.

Also read: The Do’s and Don’ts of SMS for Marketing