What is SMS? How will I tell this is an SMS and that’s not? Some of you may still have the sort of questions. As the content provider of Application to Person (A2P), it’s our duty to touch on the simple yet important issue.

Basically speaking, Short Message Service (SMS) and regular text have no differences. It applies the very basic rule of sending texts via telecommunication line. As taken from eztexting.com, SMS has become an important medium since the 1980s for delivering personal and professional goals. In fact, more than 560 billion SMS are delivered on a monthly basis across the world.

The definition of SMS

Each SMS accommodates 160 characters which present two sides of a coin. On one hand, it limits space for delivering certain messages. And this can be critical for enterprises seeking tools to convey business-related information.

On the other side, however, marketers can be challenged to create concise and effective messages. And this presents a true fact. Each business player will have to form unique texts that will lure recipients to do specific actions.

Types of messages that can be carried out include sales reminders, discounts and special offers, latest transactions, and many more. A2P is one profound by-product of Short Message Service. This serves as a one-way communication means. Senders require no responses from the recipients. The messages are usually sent from web applications.

SMS method remains popular and widely chosen among customers and potential buyers. Below some evidence for that: 

  1. 83% of consumers open SMS messages in the range of 90 seconds.
  2. 75% of consumers prefer SMS communications to get information on deliveries, promotions, and surveys.
  3. Redemption rates between 70 and 80% are seen in in-store and on-demand coupons.
  4. SMS messages yield between six and eight engagement rates that are higher than email marketing.

What about text messages?

After understanding what SMS is, let’s discuss a little bit about text messaging. In this regard, a text message may contain Multimedia Messaging (MMS). As the name suggests, an MMS may have images, videos, and audios.

Every MMS can be longer than 160 characters. It can contain up to 500 KB of data or allow for 30-second audio or video file. The traits of the platform open up various ways for every marketer to make sophisticated business texts.

It comes with a higher price if you choose to use the MMS solution. You need to consider the types of cellular phones used by the recipients. The other factor is the recipients’ monthly data limits.

Working with Us for reliable A2P solutions

Our company, PT Triple One Global, has been handling clients from all over the world for trustworthy A2P solutions. Consider our previous performance with clients if you’re seeking A2P service providers for increasing customer communication service. Begin the journey with us by clicking here.

Also read: What Does SMS Mean for Business Communication?