SMS marketing pricing holds crucial factor for every enterprise owner before they decide to partner with certain SMS service provider. The article is sharing what things that land on certain pricing models that benefit both parties.

An SMS service provider may lay out several SMS marketing pricing scenarios. The most important part is number of texts that customers can send. The more budget that you spend, the bigger number of texts you can send, from 50 to 2,000 texts.

Some SMS providers provide picture messaging to create more interesting texts. Would-be recipients will highly open your texts thanks to the visuals inside of them. The additional service is live chat supports and training sessions. You can obtain a lot of information during training sessions, from SMS marketing strategies to technical SMS application.

Questions on the Pricing

There are several questions on SMS marketing pricing. You can apply the list for selecting most proper SMS service provider that meets your marketing budget. You can ask for how that SMS service provider counting messages. There will be an SMS service provider that regulates one message is equal to one phone number.

As such, the more text numbers will produce the greater number of recipients. Imagine you can apply that for your marketing campaign. Chances are your campaign will be exposed to a wider audience.

Ask for potential SMS service providers whether or not they provide training sessions. Furthermore, get information on what knowledge they’ll provide in the training. Does it include marketing campaign strategy? Does it talk about SMS content making? Does the provider offer business expert consultation during the session?

As marketing budget becomes very important, dig deeper on what about texts that you won’t use at last? Will the SMS service provider count them or not? After you’re satisfied with the answers, ensure that the provider doesn’t include any hidden fees or contracts.

The confirmation is necessary at the start of the negotiation for bringing mutual benefits for the two parties. The last question is on whether or not your enterprise will get SMS masking service for convincing would-be recipients on your company’s reputation.

The aforementioned SMS marketing pricing is up for negotiation with our company, PT Triple One Global. As Indonesia’s reliable SMS provider, get a comprehensive and detailed consultation before picking up which of our service that you’ll use at your convenience. Head on to our Contact section for more info. We’re looking forward to welcome you.

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