Do you once receive SMS alerts that remind you on flight schedule next morning? Or probably some of you get an SMS on banking updates. Chances are the messages are sent from application or as commonly known as A2P messaging.

A2P stands for Application-to-Person which refers to message delivery from an application to a mobile subscriber. Banking updates or flight alerts are among sort of information from one company to its customers. By large, A2P messaging companies send alerts, notification and marketing messages by using the technology.

A2P messaging is also called as enterprise or professional SMS. A lot of companies use A2P technology to reach their customers given SMS remains an effective method for marketing promotion. With the A2P messaging, they can save a lot of money and time-efficient.

This opens room for telecommunication companies to provide A2P technology at competitive prices. The A2P technology allows for business owners to engage with customers, authenticate users of online services or deliver time-sensitive alerts.

In addition to banking updates and flight alerts, A2P SMS will inform subscribers on appointment or travel affairs. A2P SMS will notify subscribers on transactions and booking confirmations they previously make.

A2P messaging company works on one-time passwords (OTP) and two-factor authentication to secure transactions. The OTP is necessary to complete transactions. Usually, as subscribers, will receive some numbers as the OTP. A2P messaging can be integrated with SMS Application Programming Interface or SMS API.

Thanks to SMS API integration that you can unite Bulk SMS messaging services to applications, websites, software and back-office custom applications. The A2P messaging company will provide their clients with HTTP SMS API. The clients can make use of the feature to automate their messages.

The API is simple and easy to apply. The clients will need to input user name, password, message, template ID, sender ID and variable parts. At last, you can make use of the features for delivering business messages for your subscribers.